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How to add Zipteams Smart Meeting Widget on your Websites?
Zipteams Instant Meeting Rooms is a powerful plugin that can be easily embedded in minutes on your website or landing pages.

Section 1: Here are the steps to add Zipteams on your Wordress Websites
Signup on Zipteams.Go to Setup > Setup Meeting Widget > Click on ‘View/Edit’ against the eventSetup your brand color and messages on the instant connect widget.Go to Main menu > Invite your teamAssign the instant connect widget tags to the users who will be taking the click to call meetings.Now copy the widget code and add it in your website header.You can install the ‘Code Snippets’ plugin on your WordPress to easily the add on your website header.That’s it, you are all set to receive click to call meetings from your website.
Section 2: Here are the steps to pass pre-fill values to the widget form
Please use these steps if you wish to automatically pass widget form values like Name, Email, Phone No, so users dont need to fill those again.In the code that you have copied, please add pre-fill objects like shown in below codeThe field label name is the name of the label you have kept in your widget form in Zipteams instant or scheduled meeting settings. You can take the value from here.‘Value’ is the value that you want to pass from your existing application.You can add multiple such prefill fields separated by comma.
Code to use:
url: “XXXXX”, prefill: { <Field label name>: <value> }
Sample code:
url: “https://zipme.at/zipteams/demo“,
prefill: { ‘Name’: ‘John Doe’, ‘Email’: ‘johndoe@email.com’, ‘Phone Number’: ‘+919098998232’ }
Section 3: Here are the steps to embed the zipme.at link as an iframe or use it in your marketing campaigns
Signup on Zipteams.Go to Setup > Setup Meeting Widget > Click on ‘View/Edit’Copy theURL (zipme.at) and paste it on a new browser windowThis link can be used anywhere (email signatures, messages, blogs, chats etc) to get your visitors to join on instant meeting.You can also pass parameters in the URL to automatically fill the form data. Follow the below steps to do this:Create a javascript object with label names and fetched values.Use these functions to convert your object data in URL string – encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(yourObject))Add a prefill query param in the URL in the format – <Your zipmelink>?prefill=<Output of point 2>Your URL should look like – https://zipme.at/macrosoft/demo?prefill=%7B%22Name%22%3A%22FullName%22%2C%22Email%22%3A%22ContactEmail%22%2C%22Contact+No%22%3A%22%2BPhoneNumber%22%7DIf you want to bypass the user from filling the form, you can pass a parameter in URL, prefilltype = anonymous. Your URL will look like – https://zipme.at/macrosoft?prefilltype=anonymous. Please also enable the “Allow anonymous gutes” setting in app.zipteams.com > Setup > Setup Meeting Widget > Instant Meeting ConfigurationIf you are using the zipme link with iframe, an attribute needs to be added to the iframe allow=”camera *;microphone *;display-capture *”
Key Features of Zipteams Meeting Widget:
Integrate in minutes using a website header HTML code. You can add your brand color and messages to the code and add it on your WordPress website header.

Customize your own form for getting details from the visitors before meeting them. You can add all your qualifications questions that are visible to the sales teams before they meeting the visitor.

Connect your visitors easily on web-based meeting rooms. Team members can have more warm face-to-face conversations and share screen to detail the visitor about the product.

Round-robin scheduling to your sales teams to attend to visitors at their convenience. Team members can indicate their availability for instant meetings and only when they are available, new meetings get assigned to them.

Fallback calendar booking option when no team members are available to take instant meetings. You can set your calendar as per your organization’s working days and timings.

Smart AI-powered insights about the visitors to talk to them contextually and in a personalized manner. Your sales team members have these insights everytime they meet a website vistor.

Auto-recording of all calls with unlimited storage options.