3 ways to end your sales day on a high note

Ending your sales day earlier and still being more productive feels so good. To end the day on a higher note we would have to start the day on a higher note.

Ramya S.

Aug 20, 2021


3 ways to end your sales day on a high note
3 ways to end your sales day on a high note
3 ways to end your sales day on a high note

Ending your sales day earlier and still being more productive feels so good. To end the day on a higher note we would have to start the day on a higher note.

To do that you must first know your objective and be ready to achieve it to end your day with a great sales presentation. 

Here are some questions you need to ask yourself: How much time is left for the close? Send a survey to your whole team asking the following questions: - What is your closing time? - What time are you most likely to procrastinate in the closing? - What sales cycle time is your ideal? - How can you measure your average closing time?

These questions will help you plan the process and the desired result. Once you have these answers, draft the closing message, and implement the process. If you follow strict guidelines, then you are in control.

Here are three ways to end your sales day on a high note:

1. Reflect on your meetings on how you did and what could have been better

Once the meeting is done reflect on the positives and negatives of that particular meeting. Summarize what you've learned and what happened during the meeting. Clarify your priorities.

Decide on the next steps, if there are any, who’s responsible for them, and by when, and follow through on whatever you promised you to do, including an email summary from your CRM so the conversation and all decisions are well documented.

Make the meeting discussions stay timely and on track, and get to know the positives and negatives of each sales representative present during the meet

Ask everyone to share what they’ve learned and what could have been better. These experiences can be shared, encouraging the sales team to write down their observations. 

With all these details being shared, it would be better for the company and sales executive to act upon it.

2. Analyse your customer's intent and feedback for all calls you had

It's quite important to analyze your customers' intent and feedback, not only for yourself but also for the company's growth. However, a recent study by Hubspot found that 42% of companies don’t survey their customers or collect feedback.

Why is customer feedback so important?

Customer feedback is quite necessary for future product development, improving the customer experience and also customer satisfaction levels. The proper analysis provides a company with a better view of what it has to change and improve on to help increase customer loyalty and reduce customer support cases.

Customer feedback is quite important & beneficial for most of the people in the company like product managers, analysts, marketers, customer service teams & pretty much anybody in your organization. 

Once we are familiar with the customer feedback the company and the team need to analyze it and work towards it

3. Track your monthly sales targets

Your sales targets set your direction & roadmap towards your goals. Having a quick look at where you are on those milestones at the end of the day will ensure you are taking the right steps for tomorrow.

Firstly, it is important to have your sales targets and their accurate as-on-date actual figures readily available to you. Most of the CRMs have sales funnel which helps you track this in real-time, but to ensure this happens, make sure you and your team are capturing the data on CRMs after every sales meeting. If you are not using a CRM, having a clean excel sheet with your targets & actuals will also make your tracking very easy.

Secondly, you need to look at the data & analyze it from the perspective of what's going right and where are areas to improve upon. Breaking your targets into logical buckets by either customer type, regions, etc will help you further know which buckets are doing well and where you need to focus more.

Lastly, make sure you are sharing some of the important notes from your analysis with your teams as well, this will create an efficient look of collaboration where thoughts & ideas on solving some of the issues or improving conversions will generate very organically.


Every day is different. That's why every sales professional needs to have different closing techniques at their disposal. Your style of closing will determine your success as a sales professional. Good luck with your today's sales meetings, do end your day on a high!


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